Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Memorable Morning

It was a typical steady fast Mumbai morning and I was already into heavy traffic, uneven rain, and unavoidable pollution n other Mumbai hassles. Same monotonous life, my brother-in-law dropped me at Borivali station from where I had to catch a train to reach my destination. You know in Mumbai you can’t reach particular destination without taking help of almost all the transportation vehicles and moreover still reaching late. Train arrived; I stepped in, was standing at the door and waiting for it to depart. There was same old story going on the platform – some wrong announcements, a guy screeching on loudspeaker which everybody was trying to understand , people running here & there in order to catch the train, some bhelwala bhaiyyas , wrong indicators , some strangers enquiring about addresses & stations where they want to get down and of course some good looking girls. I was still trying to settle up things, was completely drenched, music was on full volume as usual and was observing all these things with lots of thoughts to mull over. Now it’s natural that our gaze always stops where either something is very ravishing or dreadful. That day my eyes got fixed on a charismatic girl who was totally baffled up , I can see her walking fast from far in order to catch the same train , she was sweet and having an innocent look. She came closer to the platform and got into some ladies compartments leaving my stupid heart with lots of thoughts to ponder. Train departed. I can hear the sound of my heartbeats not because she was beautiful or something else but because I’ve seen something which kept me numb for that day. That image was repetitively throbbing my heart & asking only one question that Why? How? How can god be so harsh? And I did not have any answer for that apart from a frozen look. She was physically challenged. She did not have one hand. Even after having all the best attributes, she was still missing something but at the same time, it was not at all reflecting in her eyes. I think this is what people call spirit of Mumbai!!

This was one of best life’s practical examples for me and for you also folks. We always say, I wish I could have this and that and all that crap but remember at least we have something for which other people crave for. We all are god’s special child. So, always be content with whatever, however you have and cherish this mesmerizing gift of god which we human define as LIFE!! :-)

“ I was sad because I had no shoes until I met a man that had no feet “

Friday, September 17, 2010

Life Lines

" Ppl r often unreasonable & self-centered,
  Forgive tHem anyway..

  If U r Honest , Ppl may cHeat U, 
  Be Honest anyway..

  If U find HapPiness, Ppl may b jealous,
  Be HaPpy anyway..

  THe good V do today may b forgotten tomorrow,
  Do good anyway..

  The ppl U care for may not appreciate ur affection,
  Love tHem anyway...

  Give world tHe best U Have & It may nVr b enougH,
  Give Ur best anyway..

  Bcuz In D End...
  It is between U & GOD,
  It was never between U & THem anyway.. !! "