When this word comes to my mind , I can see myself submerging into the deep sea , I walk through an empty street , I become day dreamer & I lose myself in the most wonderful & painful things happened in my life. Memories – This word is connected to almost everything in our life. Every little thing we do becomes either a sweet or sour but memory.

Today I wanna share some unforgettable memories of my life & they are revolving around only two but significant words i.e. Love & Friendship. I miss my school time which I enjoyed but still have regrets that I could have enjoyed it better than that if I would be like this in my school days.I was kinda shy & reserved guy. Same went with my college days. Had crush on many girls but never expressed verbally. I remember a girl from F.Y.J.C ( sry folks , I wont take her name ) and all the crazy things I did for her. I still dunno was it a crush or infatuation or love but I cherish it because that was something which made me happy, which made me feel “Pehla Nasha” song & its lyrics, which became reason to enjoy the every season, a reason to love college & also a reason for my 98 % attendance in classes which reflected in my mark sheet back then. I still feel winter bloom & specially November which is most beautiful month of the year for me as this was the time when I used to catch a glimpse of her in early morning classes.I used to reach half and hour early to the college only to catch her glance. Winter morning breeze, “ Tere Bina “ from Adnan , A White Dress with some colorful dupatta , A sweet but innocent smile makes me forget everything & makes me fall in love with that time. I grin when I recollect all those stupid things I did for her, like remembering her scooty’s number ( I was really an idiot ), remembering her every answer given in the class room, 2 to 3 conversations which I had with her in 2 years ( I have prepared my dialogues’ as if its my audition for Bhansali’s movie ) , many coincidences down the road ( which gave strength to the belief that , YES it is the thing called LOVE lolz ), some breathtaking smiles from her ( wrongly considering that, they were specially for me) and so on.. It was a hard time folks cuz mobiles were not that cheap & couldn’t be seen everywhere. No SMS Chats. No social networking sites like FB or Orkut. No way to tweet my feelings. Only some friends knew and I think even she did. Cuz as far as I know girls always know who is following them but they never show. Huh!!! Those 2 years went like Diwali Vacations leaving behind memories which I still remember and cherish. After that as wagon wheel rolls on, my life also went ahead with some new attachments, infatuations & crushes (which almost crushed me at times) but I don’t remember them in the same way I can recollect this one.It was and still it is one of the most memorable chapter of my life.May be because this was the very first feeling of mine, something that has happened first time in my teenage & something that’s even not being with me makes me feel happy as well as sad at the same time.

While writing this blog, expressions on my face are changing every now and then, am I blushing or am I smiling? I don’t know. I really don’t know was it a love or was it a crush? But whatever it was, it was the most ravishing & unforgettable time of my life.