Whew!!! The reason behind writing this blog are the signs which I am experiencing since some days. I can say right from the start of the New Year.
I don’t know what to call it, a sixth sense, signs or whatever but I named it intuitions because that’s the best word I know. I do believe in signs. I have seen in many movies & also heard and read about it in articles that we humans get warning signs sometimes when some events are going to happen with us. But in real life experiencing them is really thrilling. There is excitement also and also a fear. Your brain starts popping up questions like: How it can happen? It’s magic? Oh My God!! I mean, how it became true? It’s like you already know what is going to happen in next some minutes or hours. You try to ignore such perceptions but you really can’t ignore them totally. Our human brain is such a kind. For example, if some one from our family or friend is travelling by bus or train & if in case he or she comes late, the reason could be anything, but our brain starts thinking negatively and at that time his or her number not reachable adds more tension. We would always think that person should be safe & the role of prayers also comes in. This especially happens in case of our dear ones.
Anyway chuck all these, now let me share some of the same situations occurred with me in past few days. I don’t remember the date exactly but I do remember the day. It was typical Tuesday. My Jiju’s elder brother drops me till Borivali station & from there I catch a train till Andheri where my work location is. I was sitting on his bike & listening to music. As usual the volume was on its peak. It takes half an hour on bike to reach Borivali from my house & the road is pretty safe. But that day, something wasn’t allowing me to concentrate on the music. I made the volume bit low & finally started ignoring thoughts which already started giving some terrible conclusions. I could not concentrate on song & was thinking more about that 2-3 minute’s daydream. I increased the volume again and got over those thoughts. But hardly in 2 or 3 minutes our bike skidded on some hard plastic thing & before I realize what has happened, I was on the road with some bruises on my right leg. I thanked god for not ending that accident the way I have imagined. It all happened in fraction of seconds. I kept thinking about that imaginary dream whole day. Few days passed & I was on exam leaves. I have got intuitions on exam day also about the questions which are going to come in the paper & this was really amazing for some of the papers where I’d no chance of getting 40.But I think more than that would reflect in my results. Exams got over & it was again Tuesday when I was with the same person on the same bike & on the same way. The fear of accident was faded till then & I was happy and listening to my favorite music. The place where our bike was slipped did remind me the accident but when you are really happy, only good thing comes into your mind and you are very positive. We have covered almost 80% of distance & Borivali was about to come. Needless to say, I again got sudden intuition that something bad is going to happen. But this time I again tossed it in the air & said, “C’mon dude, every time it doesn’t happen, your mind is playing dark games with you, nothing else...“ But destiny sometimes actually gives you what you have thought & especially when it’s something not very good for you. I don’t know from where that bike came in between our path suddenly and we collapsed again. This time I have got bruises on my left leg & they were more than the last accident including some burns because of silencer of the bike with which we collided. Now traveling again on the same road started giving me negative vibes Moreover that day while going back home, the auto in which I was travelling survived horrible accident. I was making happy & sad faces at the same time. After these incidents, even my colleagues asked me to travel by train but I thought if death wants to reach you, it can reach you anyhow.
These are the major signs I’ve shared with you folks but there are many other signs which are guiding me in my day to day life. Coincidences are more now and 2011 is becoming really exciting for me.