Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You learn: After a while

There are some poems which summarizes life in simple yet so effective way. This is one of those.

After a While by Veronica A. Shoffstall

Monday, December 3, 2012


Can you see them? Total of 8. Yes, they are duck-like black Cormorants. They can swim, they can fly. Every evening when we go for a walk by a Seepz lake, we see them playing. Some sitting quietly on the shore with their wings spread and enjoying sunshine. I can watch them playing for hours. It's difficult to capture them as you never know from which part of the water they will pop out. Salute to planet earth. 

Bright and blooming

Beautiful  pink plant shining as bright as it ever could. When I first saw them from far, I couldn't believe they were original. But when I went near, I couldn't help but touch them. A worth capturing. :)